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header projects - 239798.10



Button LABfactory - 239907.1 kontextlab - 240630.2 perform.lab - 240642.2 theatre:pref - 240654.2 odysseus - 240638.2

seriouspop - 240646.2 camp project - 241247.1 webtv - 240658.2 short cuts - 240650.2 





fragmented city - die fragmentierte stadt   pfeil - 273335.1

real-time simulation of virtual underground city

real simulation der virtuellen untergrund stadt



MO 04. - So 10. October 2010


program overview pfeil - 273335.1


2nd District - Praterstrasse Vienna



Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom

Open Space


pfeil - 273335.1


pfeil - 273335.1

pfeil - 273335.1

pfeil - 273335.1

pfeil - 273335.1


 white_spacede - 251650.1   white_spacede - 251650.1   white_spacede - 251650.1   white_spacede - 251650.1  





Starting process of the underground city project in a condensed overview. The start of a cultural & art project with a strong technological, economic and social impact, using advanced communication
technologies and formats, stimulating artistic experimentation in the field of virtual communities and  encouraging exploration of architectural, urban, sociological and ecological issues of living under the ground, what will finally result with the most optimal model for the full preservation of the ex-coal mine,
by construction of the first real underground town in the world.
As a communication and research network, interconnecting people from different backgrounds the project becomes a social network, enabling people from all over the world to become citizens of virtual Underground City and participate in its social, political and economic lie, encouraging discussions and collective decision making.


PROJECT  •  NETWORK  pfeil - 273335.1

PROCESS  pfeil - 273335.1

BACKGROUND  •  HISTORY  pfeil - 273335.1

CURRENT  pfeil - 273335.1

white_spacede - 251650.1 white_spacede - 251650.1 white_spacede - 251650.1 white_spacede - 251650.1
  labin2 - 1193277.1 white_spacede - 251650.1  


pfeil - 273335.1

Project Coordinator:

L.A.E.  Labin Art Express

in Cooperation with:



and other associated Partners.


pfeil - 273335.1


labinLAB1 - 1193286.1

labinLAB3 - 1193288.1

labin5 - 1193280.1



events  :


• 04. - 10. Oct. 2010

Underground City simulation Viennapfeil - 273335.1


• 09. Sept. to 10, Oct. 2010

Underground City XXI

TRANSART festival

Labin - Vienna

pfeil - 273335.1




• 03. Nov. 2009

opening UC21 in Vienna

pfeil - 273335.1


kybernetic mysterium




• June 2009

Kick Off meeting  pfeil - 273335.1 prague college

Praha (CZ)


• July 2009

1st Workshopmeeting



Labin (CRO)



Internet platform “Underground City XXI” aims to establish a specific Internet based cultural & art community, created as an on line collaborative multimedia platform, by developing a virtual 3D multi-user environment shared and distributed on Internet, based on real dimensions and situation of ex-coal mine in Labin, Croatia. Project will link visual arts, architecture, new technologies and interdisciplinary researches through series of concrete workshops, promoting cross-border and cross-sector cooperation and stimulating  trans-national mobility of cultural operators, art researches and works, ending with production of multimedia art works & performances interconnecting virtual and real environments, as well as with trans-national dissemination. The idea is to transform historical architectural and industrial heritage of the ex-coal mine - one of the greatest technological achievements in mining at the beginning of the 20th Century - into an avant-garde cultural & art project with a strong technological, economic and social impact, using advanced communication technologies and formats, stimulating artistic experimentation in the field of virtual communities and encouraging exploration of architectural, urban, sociological and ecological issues of living under the ground, what will finally result with the most optimal model for the full preservation of the ex-coal mine, by construction of the first real underground town in the world. The project will foster cultural & art networking promoting the idea of “art as collaborative work” as one of the highlights of contemporary art production.As a communication and research network, project will interconnect artists and cultural operators with computer scientists, philosophers, economists, architects, physicists, biologists, archaeologists, sociologists and other scientists, in order to stimulate artistic experimentation in the field of virtual communities, as well as to encourage exploration and simulation of architectural, urban, sociological and ecological models of living under the ground.

In the last phase the project will become a social network too, enabling people from all over the world to become citizens of virtual Underground City and participate in its social, political and economic lie, encouraging discussions and collective decision making.

Cooperation Partners
Labin Art Expressarr1 - 1138396.1
LIBAT arr1 - 1138396.1
Praque College arr1 - 1138396.1
white_spacede - 251650.1
    Historical background pfeil - 273335.1      
  EU_logo - 1358009.1        
  eu_ph - 1365871.1