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  Home > country_report > Cockpit
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Cocpit for


 Title Partner 1  Partner 2 Partner 3
 compound section 1 [RFR]
 compound section 2 [WIP]
 compound section 3 [WIP]
 table 1: deliverables list    
 table 2: milestones list    



Colore:   Red Colore = Action by Partner Required

Status of Document in [ ]:   [WIP] Work in Progress -> [RFR] Ready for Review -> [FIN] Final


AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Paul Vabitsch (paulvab)
infoID: 1117369.1; Publiziert am 14 Aug. 2007 15:23
Referers (1):