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Sphinx Search

'Sphinx Search' provides a search functionality for FCS which supports advanced search syntax for fine-grained filtering of search resurts.


1. Search fields

Sphinx Full Text Search engine has the possibility to index different parts of a document in different searchable fields and thus gives the possibility to search for matching (or similar) words in specific parts of the documents. Currently FCS search sphinxapi supports the following search fields:

  • @title - search in fact title
  • @body - search in fact contents
  • @file - search in contents of attached file
  • @publisher - search for exact username of the person who published a fact


This means that it is possible to filter in or out results which contain specific word(s) or phrase(s) in the fact title. Or respectively filter in or out results which have been publishe by a user specified with a username.


2. Logical functions

Sphinx Full Text Search supports logical functions in the search field:

  • Logical OR:
    • word1 | word2 - will match documents that contain either one of the words specified
  • Logical NOT:
    • word1 -word2 - will match documents that contain word1 but do not contain word2
    • word1 !word2 - same as above


3. Expressions

Sphinx can match complete expressions / sentences by writing words surrounded by quotes:

  • "sphinx full text search" - will only match facts that contain the sphinx full text search expression (with the same words order) either in its title or in its body


4. Examples

  • document @title test - will only match facts that contain the word document anywhere in the fact and the word test in the title only
  • @title sphinx @publisher bozhin - will only match facts created by user bozhin that contain the word sphinx in the title
  • sphinx @title "jour fixe" @publisher bozhin - will match facts published by user bozhin that contain jour fixe (as an expression) in the title and also contain the word sphinx either in the title or in the body
  • sphinx @title jour fixe @publisher bozhin - will match facts published by user bozhin that contain the words jour and fixe in the title and also contain the word sphinx either in the title, in the body or it the contents of the attached file (if any)
  • idea @title prot: @publisher maxharn - this will match facts created by user maxharn that contain prot: in the title (protocols only) and word idea anywhere in the fact
  • idea @title prot: @publisher maxharn | maxharn1 - this will match protocols created by user maxharn OR maxharn1 that contain the word idea anywhere in the fact
  • idea -ideas - this will match facts that contain the word idea but not the word ideas anywhere in the fact
  • word1 -word2@title -word3 - this will match facts that contain word word1 anywhere but not word2 and also do not contain word3 in the title (but may contain word3 in the body)
  • @file invoice @publisher maxharn - this will match facts that have file attachment which contains the word invoice in it and are published by user maxharn
  • @file invoice @publisher maxharn @body -invoice - same as above but this time result will not include facts that have the word invoice in fact contents

Autor: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webservices GmbH (factline2)
factID: 10112691.1; Publiziert am 24 Mai. 2016 17:40; Datum: 24 Mai. 2016 17:38

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