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Display options for forum

Display forums


In order to display all available forums, choose "Dialog" from the drop-down menu "Services" in the options area (left column). A list of all forums will be displayed.


users - forum übersicht [en] - 267416.2



The following information is displayed in the list:

users - forum icon infoid - 267423.1 infoID
users - forum icon anzahl themen - 267425.1 number of topics
users - forum icon anzahl postings - 267429.1 number of postings
users - forum icon letzter beitrag - 267430.1 date of last entry


Display topics

If you click on the title of a forum, a similar list is displayed showing all topics in the forum. The title, the author, the number of replies, the date of the last entry, the issue date of the topic and the infoID are displayed.


Display postings


In the beginning, the title of the postings are displayed in a tree structure showing the question-answer relation between postings.


users - forum frage-antwort-beziehung [en] - 267435.2


In order to read individual postings, click on the respective title. If you click on the title of another posting, the previous posting is closed and the other posting is displayed.


Various display options are available in the options area (left column).

users - forum ansichtsoptionen [en] - 119830.4
all items full text
all postings are displayed in full text
selected item's text only
switch from full text view to standard view
created during last postings of a specific period of time are highlighted
unread entries unread postings are highlighted

Author: Astrid Holzhauser, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1666090.1; published on 04 Jän. 2012 12:30
Structure  >  English  >  Manuals  >  Functions, Services