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Userlist/Usergroup tags

This module can be used with any of the two names userlist or usergroup, which doesn't change its functionality. The module makes it possible to create a list of users. It can either display all users from a specific group, or display all online users.

The following tags can be used in order to display a list of users with specified details:


Example  that shows most of the funcinality in the usersonline module:

<loadmodule userslist/>

<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
  <td NOWRAP><b>Username</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b>first & lastname</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b>e-mail</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b>Company</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b>Logged on platform</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b>Ping</b></td>
  <td NOWRAP>Is notifications enabled?</td>
  <td NOWRAP>Is System notifications enabled?</td>
<foreach userslist usersonline="1" wholeserver="1" orderby="lastname">
  <td NOWRAP><linkto><b><username/></b></linkto></td>
  <td NOWRAP><b><firstname/> <lastname/></b></td>
  <td NOWRAP><a href="mailto:<email/>"><email/></a></td>
  <td NOWRAP><company/></td>
  <td NOWRAP><a href="/p/<ul_platformid/>/"><ul_platformname/></a></td>
  <td NOWRAP><can_ping><pinglink>ping</pinglink></can_ping></td>
  <td NOWRAP><notificationsenabled/></td>
  <td NOWRAP><padminnotificationsenabled/></td>


Autor: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1494757.2 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 29 Jul. 2010 15:59
struktur  >  English  >  special tags  >  module tags  >  modul userlist 
Verweis(e) (2):
Module tags24 Nov. 2010factlink
Use of Userlist 22 Nov. 2010factlink