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ABOUT :: WORLD-EX-POSITION 08  arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1



Co-operation :  Open Space & LABfactory
arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1LIVE-STREAM  Start : 20:00 arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1

streaming performance
In Co-Opertion with, und Press/Play in Detroit
Moderation: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski
DJ: Alexander Nikolić+ Pod p Podinski

XL1 - 1189060.1

April 26. – Mai 15. 2008

ist gezeigter Partikel
gegenwärtiger Prozesse.
 Zonen des künstlerischen
wie diskursiven Transfers.
Ansichten des Un/Möglichen -
der Welt in einer Ausstellung.
Ein openLAB in der LABfactory
kombiniert mit und fortgesetzt
in einer Ausstellung im


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Programm LABfactory:

XL Terrestrials present parts of their work to change the course of telematics, human communications and social relationships - hopefully for the better, as they say.

They contribute 3 or 4 things “for the benefit of mankind and universal intelligence” and perhaps set a new precedent whereby rather than humans exhibiting new technologies to explore and conquer space, XL Terrestrials return to earth to present methods for reverse engineering phallic-centric rocket-style science and industry devised by humans to simultaneously transport people elsewhere AND drop weapons which land upon foreign heads. They wish to use this art-portal and opportunity, to look inward and face-to-face and illuminate that, thus far, this route of technology has been a dubious dual enterprise with little humanitarian results.
© pod p podinski

Bio/Profile: XLterrestrials are creatively situated in the vicinity of Craig Baldwin and the "Artist Television Access" project in San Francisco, an important platform for media activism in the United States. They are currently based in Berlin and working on two projects: For one in collaboration with  Media Decompression Berlin, they are collecting and archiving political, experimental and underground film and video work from all over the world  to be collected and made accessible in a web-based and-organized archive.

Pod p Podinksi is a media activist, art organism, dj, and co-
founder of the XL Terrestrials, a praxis group for psychomedia analysis andvirtual exorcisms of the Military Entertainment Complex. With a background incommunications, film, and theater sound design, he has workedprimarily on the Indy frontiers in San Francisco and Berlin, contributing bothaudio, texts, film work, and tactical media applications to both art +realworld events like Next 5 Minutes, No Border Camps, Ars Electronica, WTO,G8, and a variety of local culture reclamations.


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