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Handbuch der Donauschifffahrt
via donau, 2002
The book is a concise overview that provides guidance to readers looking for a quick synopsis on inland navigation, and in particular, on Danube navigation. The manual is an important part of via donau’s work and serves to deepen and disseminate knowledge about inland navigation, and more specifically, on Danube navigation.The manual has five sections: TRANSPORTATION MODE: INLAND NAVIGATION, THE MARKET FOR INLAND NAVIGATION, CALCULATION OF TRANSPORT COSTS, LEGAL FRAMEWORK as well as a comprehensive ANNEX.
Verlag: via donau
URL: http://www.via-donau.org

AutorIn: Elke Aenspeck; Copyright: via donau; Publiziert von: Elke Aenspeck (Elke Aenspeck)
factID: 113427.1; Publiziert am 26 Sep. 2002 15:42