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Using flash on FCS
Datei: swfobject.js (Größe: 7.70 kb)

This file is used the following way:


1. Upload your flash animation on the platform as a DOWNLOAD (not an image)


2. In the fact you want to put your flash in write the following code:


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://fcs.kundenplattform.com/download/288647.1"></script>

<div id="flashanimation"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("full_path_to_an_uploaded_flash_animation", "flashanimation", "wdith", "height", "flashversion_to_use");
so.addParam("menu", "false");


Why using javascript and not <object> or <embed> tag? 



When using <object> tag in IE6 or later there is a border around the flash object and the flash object itself is not activated. In order to activate it you should click on it and after that interact with it which is quite annoing.


The javascript library that is uploaded here fixes exactly with this problem. It makes the object active when the page is loaded and saves quite a lot of writing.



AutorIn: ivo marinoff; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (neo)
factID: 288647.2 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 04 Apr. 2007 14:02