Home > Structure > Handbücher > Handbuch > Spezielle FCS-Tags > Normal parser > factinclude > factlist > publisherstyle
A newer version of this fact exists. (view)


publisherstyle="color:#cc0000; font-style:italic"


Between the quotation marks you can use css code to define the style of the publisher.

Zwischen den Anführungszeichen können Sie CSS-Code verwenden, um den Stil des Verfassers zu definieren.

Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices (factline5)
factID: 1481685.2 (...history); published on 22 Jun. 2010 09:08
Structure  >  Handbücher  >  Handbuch  >  Spezielle FCS-Tags  >  Normal parser  >  factinclude  >  factlist 
Referers (1):
factinclude factlist11 Sep. 2014factinclude